
Family Values

I've had an indifferent week, some good bits and some bad. What I've come to realise is that family, if nothing else, means the world to me. My Mum hasn't been the best this week, I spent most of Friday trying to help her out as best as possible. Some would consider that a waste of a day off, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The health of my family is more important than anything else.

So tonight, I was greatly pleased to see her out and about. She's been waiting to see Mary Poppins on stage for a long time now, I was concerned she was going to miss out. But she's always been a fighter, it would have to be one major issue to keep her down for too long. After a long day at work, it was good to see her and the rest of the immediate family (minus the dog, who unfortunately can't partake in restaurant dining just yet) for a nice dining moment. They're off to see the show now, maybe I'll get a chance to see it too before the run ends.

Also, kudos to my sister for sharing the teramisu!

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